Guided Meditation for clarity & intention.

This guided 30 minute meditation draws upon Sankalpa and Samkaras to help you gain clarity & intention in your daily life.

This is the perfect practice to keep coming back to. I recommend sticking with the same sankalpa for a long period of time. Perhaps, if you are joining me with this practice in January you keep the words for the whole season or year!

Find a comfortable seat, I recommend lifting up the hips on a cushion or blanket, or even lying down to be comfortable and present.

Allow this practice to help you find intention, space and awareness though pranayama, dharana and dyana. (Blog post on the 8 limbs of yoga)

Sankalpa - Heartfelt Intention/Personal Resolve. Sankalpa defined by Rod Stryker as a vow and commitment we make to support our highest truth. “By definition, a sankalpa should honour the deeper meaning of our life. A sankalpa speaks to the larger arc of our lives, our dharma—our overriding purpose for being here.” The sankalpa becomes a statement you can call upon to remind you of your true nature and guide your choices.

Samskaras - Samskaras are the subtle impressions of our past actions. As long as we are alive, we continuously perform actions, and when we do these without awareness they form our samskaras. I always think of these as well trodden paths in the mind, like grooves or patterns that we follow. This gives us the power, when we bring awareness to a situation we have the power to choose our next move, without this awareness our past actions will take us down a previously trodden path.

Want more guided meditations? Let me know :)

Resources/ Further reading:

Understanding Samskaras in Order to Break Free (

What Are Samskaras and How Do They Affect Us? (

Sankalpa: Find Your Intention | Yoga Philosophy | DAY 11 OF 12 DAYS OF YOGA CHALLENGE | TIWARI YOGA - YouTube

How to Create a Sankalpa (


Guided Relaxation


Your yoga asana practice should fit you; you don’t need to ‘fit’ in to poses.